
The Compendium is a curated collection of information and links related to GameCube controller (GCC) modding and repair.

Who this is for

Compendium content is meant for anyone interested in GCC modding, whether you’re shopping for a controller or modding one yourself. You will find a mix of high-level overviews and recommendations, and in-depth technical information and tutorials.

Where to start

The glossary is a good place to familiarize yourself with GCC terminology. Otherwise, browse various components and related mods using the menu, or check out the mod index to see all mods at once.


This entire website is open source, and contributions are welcome! The Compendium is intended to be a community resource, so if you have ideas for making it better, join us in Discord and let us know!

There’s also a list of open Compendium issues meant to capture all the stuff we know is missing or incomplete.