Heartbeat module

Resolve both snapback and PODE with a combination of capacitors and resistors.

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Brand new analog sticks usually have snapback, and as potentiometers wear, they tend to develop PODE. A heartbeat module is a set of adjustable capacitors and resistors designed to mitigate both of these unwanted effects.

How it works

Just like a standard snapback module, capacitors are used to smooth out unwanted inputs caused by the analog stick overshooting the return to center due to the tension of the stickbox spring. A heartbeat module adds resistors that selectively drain built-up discharge within the potentiometer, removing the variance in current throughput caused by PODE.


Heartbeat modules are available from several sellers. Note that availability may vary.


Installing a heartbeat module is basically identical to installing a snapback module, and involves soldering the module to the motherboard. Make sure to follow the instructions included with the module.